Joe Biden's inaugural committee will accept corporate donations up to $1 million, but bar lobbyists and fossil fuels
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden dance during the Comander-in-Chief's Inaugural Ball at the Walter Washington Convention Center January 21, 2013 in Washington, DC. WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden's newly formed inaugural committee will accept donations from individuals up to $500,000 and from corporations up to $1 million, a transition official told CNBC on Monday. The committee will bar any contributions from registered lobbyists, foreign agents and the fossil fuel industry. A newly created inaugural committee website released Monday initially limited online donations to $100,000. But a Biden transition official later clarified to CNBC that this figure reflected a limit set by the ActBlue fundraising platform that the inaugural committee is using for online donations, and not a limit set by the inaugural committee itself. The inaugural committee's ban on donations from lobbyists and the oil and gas industry represents a continuation of the Biden pres...