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GOP canvasser caught on surveillance camera removing Democrat yard signs

Back in Billings, campaign sign vandalism and sign stealing have been rampant this summer.

"I can't believe what it's like right now," said Patrick Ranger, a volunteer with the state's Democrat campaigns who's been placing signs all over Yellowstone County.

Ranger has been putting up campaign signs from Laurel to Shepherd. One of the biggest problem spots is a farm on Frontage Road in south Billings where Ranger has had to replace signs three times in the past couple months.

"We never saw any of this" in the past two elections, he said.

Similarly, he's had to replace multiple signs along Poly Drive and Rimrock Road this season. In fact, they've started regularly patrolling the signs they've placed.

This is Ranger's third election cycle volunteering for Democrats and he worries about how bad it's gotten and fears it will only get worse the closer it gets to November.

"It's not going to get any better," Ranger said. "We've got to stop it somehow."


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